
family tree

  My name is Tilcia Galeano, I have three children  and they’re the most important thing for me. I’m  a Profes s or of   Business  Administrat ion. I live in Socorro Santander and I live with my husband  and all my children. I have one cat and  its name is Gummer. I lived in Bogotá during the year 2000, but I didn't like it because its very cold and noisy. I was pregnant with my second child. My Father is Germán. He's 70 years old. He also lives in Socorro with my Mom. He's very curious and intelligent. He likes a lot technology.  My Mother is Jacinta. She's 65 years old. She is lovely, very organized. She likes to solve puzzles. She likes handcrafting. Alejandra is my oldest daughter. She's 22 years old. She studies Microbiology and Bioanalysis in the UIS University.  Daniel is my only son. He studies Industrial Engeneering in La Sabana University.  Valentina is my youngest daughter. She likes soccer and is finishing School. My husband is Luis. He's a Lawyer an